does my crush like me?

I made this quiz because I was bored but I hope it helped you! I've tried these kinds of quizzes they're pretty fun! I have to write words im done now

if your bored you should take this quiz cuz I worked hard on it and I made it at 3 in the morning its about trying to figure out of your crush likes you!

Created by: Brianna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do they talk to you?
  2. do they ever make contact?
  3. do you talk to them?
  4. do you catch them staring at you?
  5. do their friends like you?
  6. what do you talk about?
  7. do you text, call, chat online, etc.?
  8. (these last 3 don't count for your score) whats your favorite food out of these?
  9. would you rather?
  10. whats your favorite animal out of these?

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