Does he like you? (girls only)

Love. Almost everyone feels it at one point or another. Love is what brings us together. Love is what can break us apart. Love is what drives us. Love is what can crash and burn. Sorry for being so poetic, I have to make this paragraph at least 150 letters long...

Are you a girl? Are you in love? Do you want to know if he loves you back? Then you're in the right place. I know how guys work (I mean, I should hope, I'm a guy), but not all guys are like me. I based this quiz after how I feel, but some guys may be different. So this quiz is not always 100% accurate. But yeah. Take the quiz and find out if you've found true love!

Created by: Jack :))
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First of all... do YOU think he likes you?
  2. Do you like him?
  3. Does he constantly stare/glance at you?
  4. Does he smile at you often?
  5. How often do you talk to each other?
  6. Do his friends laugh or grin when you pass them?
  7. How often does he text you?
  8. Are you in the Relationship zone, Friend zone, Meh ok zone, or the Danger Zone?
  9. This has no effect on your score - Did you get the Top Gun reference in the last one?
  10. Ok the quiz is over did u like it?

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