Does HE like you?? {GIRLS ONLY!!}

Find out if your crush likes you!! Do you have a chance with him, or not? If you don’t get the answer you want, then don’t hate. There are plenty of quizzes out there.

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Created by: wavygiselle
  1. Let’s start off with something easy. Do you actually like him?
  2. Does he ever stare at you, or even glance at you? If so, do you stare back?
  3. Does he know who you are?
  4. Do you talk or hang out?
  5. Does he know you like him?
  6. Does he do anything to look cool? Bite his lip, run his hands through his hair, anything?
  7. This might sound kinda weird. Do his pupils dialate (get bigger) when he sees you? If you didn’t notice, try it next time.
  8. Does he find ways to touch you?
  9. How does he act around you?
  10. Is he single or taken?
  11. Does he have a crush?
  12. Do you think he’s the one?
  13. Do you think you have a chance with him?
  14. Did you like my quiz?

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