Does he like you? (FOR GIRLS)

Do you want to know if your crush is crazy for you? Well, if you do, this is the quiz for you! You can find out if he actually likes you, if you should stay friends, or if theres a definite possibility!

Now, if you get the answer that " you should stay friends" or "hes not into you" dont be sad, theres tons of fish in the sea! You may be a little bummed for a while but remember you never really know who digs you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: AlliandMartha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he stare at you?
  2. Does he talk to you?
  3. What is friends behavior/actions towards you?
  4. How does he act around you?
  5. What hair color?
  6. Do you thin he likes you?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Do you love him?
  9. Whats his favorite sport?
  10. Does this quiz help?

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