Does He Like You?

Everyone has liked someone and not know if hes into you or not. i know you want to know so take this easy quiz and find out in as little as five minutes

so if you read the first paragraph u already know what this quiz is. this paragraph is required and i need one hundred and fifty characters...good luck!

Created by: haileyharber5
  1. How often does he talk to you?
  2. Does he ever touch you in anyway?
  3. Does he flirt with you?
  4. Does he flirt with other girls?
  5. Do you like this quiz?(no effect)
  6. are you ready for the big reveal
  7. sike more questions!! LOL
  8. do you think he likes you?
  9. have you ever kissed him?
  10. LAST QUESTION: Do you REALLY like him?

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