Does Draco Malfoy love you or hate you?

I hope you are happy with the results! if Draco doesn't like you then don't be upset. I want everybody to know that this quiz is for fun! I do not except any racial hate/discrimination about race or LGBTQ+. I hope you understand.

Please tell me if you liked the quiz and give me any feedback for next time! I wanted to make this about a subject I like and I know that a lot of people also like this subject. (Harry Potter AND Draco Malfoy) I tried to be funny but not be inappropriate.

Created by: Bellatrix lestrange
  1. What is your blood status. I know, not important, but for Draco it is. So, please answer?
  2. What's your favorite color? *Facepalms in embarrassment* Sorry, but Draco REALLY wants to know.
  3. What's your Hogwarts house? Okay, for this one it is imperative that you answer honestly.
  4. Who is your favorite female harry potter character
  5. Who is your favorite male Harry Potter character
  6. Death eaters or Dumbledore's army?
  7. Who is your favorite Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher? Okay I don't now why that's important.
  8. Do you like Draco Malfoy?
  9. What family do you come from?
  10. Whats your favorite subject? I know there are more I just couldn't name them all.

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