Doctor Who Quiz

Doctor Who,The show with a Doctor that travels in a TARDIS/Blue box in time and space.You can visit planets like never before and fight villains to the death and survive by the regenerations.

Are you a Whovian?Take this quiz and see if you can be the Doctor of Time and Space with Unlimited Lives or be the newbie of Doctor Who that soon becomes a Whovian?

Created by: Niel J Grobler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is a TARDIS?
  2. What is the 10th and 11th Doctor's Name?
  3. Which is not a Doctor Who Villain?
  4. How is it bigger on the inside of the TARDIS?
  5. Weeping Angels kill you by...
  6. Daleks says what many time?
  7. What CAN'T the Sonic Screwdriver work on?
  8. How long has Doctor Who been Running?
  9. How many Doctors and Regeneration was there(including the War Doctor)?
  10. Final Question! In every regeneration,is he then ginger?

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