Do your friends truly like you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do your friends truly like you?

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  • Your Result: Your a friend 93%

    Your friends tell people you are their friends. But thats just it. They don't tell people you are amazing and that you are their BEST friend. Your a good person to talk to but thats pretty much it. You may hang out with them once or twice but maybe you should find better friends.

    76% They like you!
    72% Not really...
    38% THEY LOVE YOU!
    22% NOPE

    Wow, didn't expect it to be that accurate. That's pretty much EXACTLY the way it is. That's crazy.

  • Hmm... this quiz makes me feel like I'm stupid. They do care for me, but somewhere, I choose to shut them out. But, sometimes, they pull me down so much. I pretend as if it doesn't even matter, but who won't hurt if the people you call "friends" are the ones who underestimate you. Though of course, not all of them are like that.

    Nice quiz, really intelligent! Made me think...


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