do you want to know my songs

Some of this quiz is music but it is also random at the last 2 questions so yes... Well no 11 will have ctoons while 12 has vgames😊😀😊😀😀😀😊😊😀😊😊😀😊😊😊

🚋🚕🚊🚋🚕🚊🚊🚋🚕🚕🚕🚟🚡🚗🚗🚗🚗i was bored and I need more characters so more emoes!!!🚖🚡🚌🚌🚗🚌🚋🚊🚕🚔🚟🚔🚟🚕🚖🚖🚡🚖😯😤😐😥😥😑😦😑😦😥😉😡😡

Created by: diandre ellis
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What song is this " I'm gonna make a change..for once in my life"
  2. What is this J.b"there comes a time wen we need a sertan call , N.S, J.H & J.B when the world must come tighter as 1"
  3. "What's wrong mama people living like the ain't got no mammas"
  4. I'm gonna make a change for once in my life it's gonna fell real good make a difference.
  5. Never say never never ever never
  6. Random!!!☺
  7. What did the judge said to the cop
  8. What if the teacher was out what will happened
  9. Now with ctoons!
  10. Vgames

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Quiz topic: Do I want to know my songs