Do you want power

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This test, tells if you deserve to have power, or not. depending on what you score on this test...can depend if you can get the power youve always wished for.

passing or failing this test is just a minor set back, you can always retake it in 5 days. OH! you cant retake the quiz to get a better score or, the power youve wanted will be voided. AND you think this is bullcrap, take it and find out if your power comes true or not.

Created by: deathk14
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you train hard?
  2. How strong is your will-power?
  3. Do you push your limits?
  4. How long have you've been searching power?
  5. Do you think this quiz will give you power?
  6. Do you really want to get even stronger?
  7. Why do you want power?
  8. If your loved one was killed,By your would you react?
  9. Are you sure you can handle power?
  10. I Known that Even if you pass this test..its all about who you truly are, that will give you power.

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Quiz topic: Do I want power