Do you want or need diapers (a fun quiz for you and friends)

Have you ever thought about diapers at all have they ever crossed your mind well this is a short quiz that will answer that question of should you wear diapers or do you need diapers

I absolutely love diapers and taking quizzes like this one I am a diaper lover and I hope you enjoy my quiz it is my first quiz so don’t be too mean to me please

Created by: Martha
  1. Have you ever peed your pants (in the day time) after potty training?
  2. At night have you wet your bed at all
  3. Have you ever messed your pants (night and day)
  4. It’s a cold day at school it’s a little rainy and the bathroom are closed you walk on to campus a little early so you go and sit at your usual place you really need to pee and the rain is starting to go a bit harder it’s not 30 minutes till class starts and you have a choice (if you don’t go to school just Imagine you are in elementary school)
  5. Have you ever intentionally peed your pants
  6. What underwear are you wearing
  7. When was the last time you peed your pants
  8. When was the last time you messed yourself
  9. Drink 2 glasses of water and wait 10 minutes then push for 3 seconds like you need to poop did you
  10. Let’s say a friend dared you to wear a diaper and poop or pee in it
  11. How many times do you think about diapers
  12. If it where up to you and nobody would know would you wear diapers
  13. Are you incompetent (in the bladder or bowel sense) or do you want to be

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Quiz topic: Do I want or need diapers (a fun quiz for you and friends)

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