Do You Think That Edward Is Good For Bella?

Do You think Edward is right for Bella? Take this quiz to find out! Its fun, and filled with brain-busting quiz questions! Not sure? Find out in Seconds!

There are many people out there that aren't sure if Edwards right for Bella, and if they should just split. Don't worry, your not alone. If you don't know, find out Now!

Created by: Jazie 101 of Starlets
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In the beggining of the book, Bella Is a little tied between Edward and Jacob. How Do You feel about that?
  2. Do You think that Bella should have chosen someone else at school instead of the 'known freak?'
  3. Imagine your Bella Swan on her first day of school. What emotion would you choose toward Edward?
  4. Imagine your Edward Cullen on the first day the new girl Isabella Swan arrived at school. What emotio would you take toward her?
  5. What do you think of Edward?
  6. Remember the scene in the book when Bella was in the school office and Edward was trying to move classes? Ok, do you remember when he gave her that evil glare? What do you think of that?
  7. Do You think Bella would be better off without Edward in her life?
  8. Do you think that by Bella being with Edward, it makes her life worse?
  9. Do You think the warewolf life would be better for Bella?
  10. This question is a test of what you know to see if your judjing before knowing. What is Edwards non-biological dads name?
  11. Are you on Team Edward, or team Jacob?

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Quiz topic: Do I Think That Edward Is Good For Bella?