Do you suffer from Anxiety, Depression,or ADD | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do you suffer from Anxiety, Depression,or ADD.

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  • s---! Do you suffer from Anxiety, Depression,or ADD

    Your Result: You suffer from Anxiety 92%

    Weather you are feeling nauseas or your eyes black out or even are just scared all the time you suffer from anxiety. You should go see a doctor because this Anxiety could worsen and turn into depression.

    65% You suffer from Depression
    9% You are perfect
    0% You are ADD

    ....I was expecting that anyway... I’m always scared about everything even if it isn’t that big of a deal cause once someone was standing in the way of something and I was too scared to say ‘excuse me’ and then I stood there for an hour and cried. And also I’m basically depressed all the time for no reason even though when I look at it my life is pretty great but for some reason I’m literally just broken but anyway, that’s me

  • Wait wtf ok I didn’t even know I took this quiz literally 11 days ago but whatever. It says I’m perfect now??? When I a few days ago I was pretty much the same?? Actually I lost my best friend who was stupid so yeah prob that could be why and I got a BF LOL!!!!!11

  • Just kidding I am forever alone


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