do you speak like me?

so, first, let me say, I'm from new England, so if you are a country bumkin, you will not score high. I can tell you that. that's right, new England's got all the sass!

so, this second one is for those of you from new England. you will probably score high, as long as you have the accent and sass for it. I hope everyone enjoys!

Created by: cutekittyeilish
  1. how do you pronounce r's
  2. say dolly.
  3. say march.
  4. say water.
  5. say dog.
  6. do you say dinner or supper
  7. how do you say aunt?
  8. say meatball
  9. say braclets.
  10. say dinnertime.

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Quiz topic: Do I speak like me?

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