Do you have Duck Luck?

Allyn Dustin Kinsely was born on June 4, 1917 in Northamptonshire, England, his mother Duri Matthewson is Japanese-American from East Hartford, Connecticut, she is a part of a charity called JTB (Just To Be), his father Johnathon Kinsley is English-Irish he was born in Ireland but moved to England's a few years later, he moves a lot.

While Duri was on vacation in Asheville, North Carolina with her family, he quicky noticed Johnathon was about to pack his bags to fly to Scehyern, Germany, she said "I hope you... have a great", Johnathon replies "shh" and they started talking, after a day or two, Duri decided to go with him, they live there for about 3-5 months and moved back to England before they had Allyn, in 1924, they moved to New York, in 1928, Duri decided to make Allyn take dancing sessions in Mamaroneck whil she worked in a office, about a few days later, Duri picked up Allyn after one of his dance sessions and flew to Webster, Massachusetts, where his mother works as a half time job because she couldn't find good jobs in Mamaroneck, she decided to show him her office and interduce her co-workers, while in her office in Webster, Duri talked about Allyn's dancing sessions, one of her co-workers Brandon Casey said to Allyn while sitting in a chair quietly "shh. I hope you have some luck", then Brandon started talking about traveling and his mother started Talking about her dream to go to Duck, North Carolina because one of her cousin Yuzuki Shirai was Born in Kobe, Japan but moved to Duck when she was 13 because Kobe didn't give her the opportunity to take performing arts schools, also her parent's wouldn't let her so she decided to move somewhere else so she pursue her career as an actress, meanwhile they were talking, Allyn found a piece of ripped paper in the extra study room on a desk, it said…

Created by: Karsna Porcher
  1. Do you live or were born in Duck, North Carolina?
  2. Pick a place that Allyn or his family had visited that I didn't metioned in the paragraphs
  3. What's your favorite farm animal
  4. Where would you hide a piece of scribbled paper?
  5. Allyn has four siblings, which one would you hang out with? (Order by age)
  6. Would you join Allyn in his Duck Luck orzagrarion
  7. Which movie that features Allyn would you watch?
  8. out of these choices, Which .music genre would you listen to?
  9. Bye!
  10. Thanks for talking my quiz!
  11. Are you ready to find out if you have some Duck Luck?

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Quiz topic: Do I have Duck Luck?
