Do You Really Know Me

Many people think they know someone just from talking to them in school or work...but the truth is no one ever really gets to know someone fully. You can only get close to them...this just proves how cloe you are to me

Do you think you know me... well how bout you put it to the test and see if you really do... enough talk just step up, man up and take this quiz... if you don't then your nothin but a punk.

Created by: Anthony
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my favorite car?
  2. Where am i from
  3. What religon am i
  4. What my mom's name
  5. What am i not mostly attracted to
  6. Whats my favorite thing to do in my free time
  7. How Fast do i trust people
  8. What was My brothers Name
  9. My Favorite sport
  10. What is my worst fear
  11. last qustion...who is the single most important person in my life

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know Me