Do you need a Cognitive Psychologists or a Biopsychologists?

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What a Cognitive Psychologists is: Cognitive psychologists investigate how people think, including topics such as decision-making and problem-solving. This type of psychologist is interested in how the brain processes, learns, stores, recognizes, and utilizes information.Cognitive psychologists may work in a variety of settings, including universities, research centers, rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, government agencies, and in private practice. Professionals in this field often perform a range of duties such as conducting research and working with patients.As with other areas of psychology, cognitive psychologists often choose to specialize in a particular area such as memory, language development, attention, problem-solving, or learning disabilities.

What a Biopsychologists is: These types of psychologists are also sometimes called "biological psychologists" or "physiological psychologists". They study and perform research on the brain and behavior. By examining the neural bases of behavior, biopsychologists are able to understand different biological factors that might impact how people think, feel, and act.This type of psychologist might also investigate how brain disease and injury impact behavior. By better understanding how people are affected by such injuries and diseases, researchers can also find new ways of preventing, treating, and managing serious brain illnesses and trauma.

Created by: Royalilic
  1. I'm having it hard for doing decisions or problem-solving.
  2. I usually feel like i'm not feeling normally stable.
  3. Life is easy for me, but it could go wrong over small situations; i have it hard for some things over my acceptation.
  4. i have many problems in life, but thats why i'm still keep moving because i let them down.
  5. I have managed serious brain illnesses and/or trauma.
  6. I always have a different mode over different things; it depends over how i feel but it's not normal on me.
  7. I'll treat people well, it depends over what person i talk to because i always think they are a bad person sometimes; i have a peculiar treatment over that type of situation.
  8. I'll overthink easily; might because i enjoy it or it's just happens in a unremarkable way that no one really have to do with me; i'll don't really overthink for a reason over a person.
  9. i have a bad language development.
  10. Memories are hardest thing in life for me; i can't stop thinking about them over depression i am right now thru or i'm just trying to remember them.

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