Which bias do you use to cope with ecological disaster?

This quiz is meant to check which cognitive biases you are most prone to when it comes to environmental questions. There are five main biases identified by cognitive sciences.

The responses will be anonymous so you can be totally honest! No judging here, we all have these biases. Once you finish the quizz, write down your results somewhere, there will be a mentimeter for you to fill them in.

Created by: Ginie Servant
  1. I believe that Elon Musk and other innovators will find new inventions to undo the environmental damage we have done
  2. I know about the environmental damage caused by raising cattle, but I keep eating meat (I like it too much, I think it's healthy, I only eat organic meat, I only eat local meat etc.)
  3. I mostly don't have a choice to fly (because of work, family reasons etc.) but I think most people fly for frivolous reasons (cheap holidays, parties etc).
  4. We here in the Netherlands are doing really well when it comes to sustainability - the real problem is that countries like China and India won't stop burning coal.
  5. I feel like we only have bad options left when it comes to climate change - wreck the economy or wreck the planet. In that case it may be better just to see how it plays out.
  6. It don't believe that our current crisis will lead to ecological and economic collapse - people will react and find solutions before it gets too bad
  7. I don't really have a choice about my environmentally unsustainable behaviours (because I'm too poor to afford green alternatives, because it's not available for me to do so...) but I think many people do have that option, and they just don't care.
  8. The predictions made by climate scientists make me too depressed. I'd rather just enjoy life now, come what may after - maybe it won't be so bad after all.
  9. I know flying is bad for the environment but since everyone else is doing it, I don't see what difference it would make if I stopped, so I keep doing it.
  10. I deserve my lifestyle, I worked hard for it - the food, housing, travel I have or aspire to. I know there won't be enough to go round for everyone to have the same lifestyle aspirations as me, but it's more important for me to make sure me, my family and those I care about have the life they deserve.

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Quiz topic: Which bias do I use to cope with ecological disaster?

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