Do you love your mom?

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My quiz is about if you love your mom or not. Will the point is actually doing this quiz to see if you love your mom because you don't want your whole entire life not knowing.

Are you a mom lover? Hopefully you are because I see that you will totally find out in five minutes!! You better have a great mom because you don't want to hate her!!!

Created by: Melody
  1. When do you see your mom?
  2. In your dreams is your mom in it?
  3. Do you go to the mall with your mom?
  4. Do you have your meals with her?
  5. Do you love your mom?
  6. Does your mom pick you up from school?
  7. Does your mom kiss you?
  8. Does your mom hug you?
  9. Does she pack up your lunch?
  10.'s vacation... does she ask you where you what to go?

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Quiz topic: Do I love my mom?