Do you love me (boys only)

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Please peeps if your a lady please don't take this quiz unless you are bored but guys feel free to take this quiz alrighty so I'll leave you alone bye.

Hello so I'm Icy River I love Survivor Dog and I am a love bird my friends are in love and soon to be married so in this quiz I will see if you are in love then ok.

Created by: Icy River
  1. shoot what do you like of food
  2. What's your favorite color
  3. Do I know
  4. You
  5. Me x You
  6. You x My sis
  7. Are you a female
  8. Are you an expert rper like me
  9. Do you love me
  10. Do you want to be my friend

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Quiz topic: Do I love me (boys only)

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