Do you like her? For teenage guys

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Do you think you like this girl but you're not really sure? Well you've come to the right place, my man. I hope this quiz can you figure out your feelings towards her

Man, I understand, feelings are hard to interpret. I hope this quiz guides you toward the truth of what you're feeling. You can take this quiz seriously, or for fun. Either way, I hope you enjoy it

Created by: Josiah
  1. Do you dream about her?
  2. Do you think about her?
  3. Do you find yourself staring at her?
  4. If someone else who was possibly more attractive came into your life, would you forget about her and start liking this new girl?
  5. If she asked you out, would you say yes?
  6. Would you be jealous if she went out with another guy?
  7. Are you two friends?
  8. Have you gone to a dance or party with her as your date?
  9. Would you want to kiss her?
  10. Lastly, would you say she's attractive?

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Quiz topic: Do I like her? For teenage guys
