Do you know Zelda: PH as well as I do?

Alrighty then all you land-lubber Hyrulians! Time for a test! Do You know as much as i do about Zelda PH? Lets see if you know some simple yet mildly challenging facts!

Do you even have what it takes to be a Hero? If so, then put down your controllers, sodas, chip, WHATEVER- and take this test! This is not Battle ModeĀ© nor is it how to play! This is a QUIIIIIIZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Darren Post

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who finds Link on the beach of Mercay Island?
  2. How many spirit gems do you need to power a spirit up one level?
  3. What made Jolene hunt for Linebeck?
  4. How much sand can be held within the Phantom HourglassĀ©?
  5. How do you get the hurricane spin scroll?
  6. What does Linebeck give you when you first defend the ship?
  7. What do you get on the 'Uncharted Island'?
  8. How many Golden Frogs are in the Great Sea?
  9. Do treasure prices change for each file at the treasure teller?
  10. How many of each Spirit gems are there?
  11. How long does Beedle keep up the Masked Shop?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Zelda: PH as well as I do?