Do you know your song lyrics?

rock on peeps! i hate sausage rolls so put anotha pie in the microwave baby! ROCK ON FREAKY BRO! OH YEAH!!! PLEASE DON'T STOP THA MUSIC!keep rockin folks this is an extravaganza!

rock on peeps! i hate sausage rolls so put anotha pie in the microwave baby! ROCK ON FREAKY BRO! OH YEAH!!! PLEASE DON'T STOP THA MUSIC!keep rockin folks this is an extravaganza!

Created by: Aimee
  1. Who lives in a ....
  2. Sweet home alabama Where the skies are....
  3. I just wanna....
  4. Don't wanna be an american...
  5. I kissed a....
  6. It was 1989 my thoughts were short, my hair was....
  7. Now who's gonna gimme some....
  8. I'm thinkin about my doorbell, when you gonna...
  9. So what, I'm still a...
  10. The ring of...

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Quiz topic: Do I know my song lyrics?