do you know. your one direction boys?

There are many people that call them a directioner but that doesn't necessarily mean they are,take this quiz and see for your self,u might get a result you were waiting for. .

Are you a directioner? You'll see in just a quick second or so,I'm glad you took this quiz and I hope I get likes,please no dislikes,we both love one direction,that all that matters

Created by: marissastyles18
  1. Who lived together in a apartment?
  2. How many video diarys does one direction have?
  3. Why doesn't harry want to get a gf?
  4. Who is considered a food lover
  5. When is niall getting his braces off?
  6. Who's favorite color is red?
  7. Who likes mexican food? ;p
  8. who do u want to stay single?
  9. Who's birthday comes In feburary?
  10. Who is the flirt? Or like the romantic one? CHOOSE WISELY!
  11. Who is the oldest and youngest
  12. In the cartoon video of "the adventures of one direction" what color was zayn wearing?
  13. Continueing,in the cartoon video from number 12,how did niall escape the garbage place?
  14. From the video diarys,who's kevin?
  15. How old was harry when he had his first kiss
  16. Did u like this quiz? Pretty please then I'll be ur best buddy? :D

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Quiz topic: Do I know. my one direction boys?