Do you Know the Pals 2017-2018

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This is a quiz that will test your mind about the Pals. We will see if you know them or not, so give it a try if you dare.

If you win you are coooool! If not, sorry, you are not cool. You gotta know the Pals.

Created by: Adi
  1. Which Pal does not speak?
  2. Which Pal Has a series called raft?
  3. Do you think the Pals are awesome?
  4. Am I a good example of a pal?
  5. On a scale of 1-10 state if the pals are cool:
  6. what are the pals colors
  7. If your a pal taking this quiz than my name is adi and to win be truth ful go back make sure you get the awnsers right and awnser this what is the 3rd leter in my last name
  8. did you enjoy this quiz ?
  9. Do you think you won?
  10. Yay you completed the quiz.

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Quiz topic: Do I Know the Pals 2017-2018

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