Do you know the Malfoy family

So do you know the Malfoy family?You will find out by takeing this quiz!If you pass it,you are a true fan of Draco and his family!If you dont.........DOOM!jk So lets see how you do.

Well this is my 2nd quiz.More will be coming.;3 My other quiz was about Draco,and...You. :3 So who are the Malfoys you ask?Go and wiki them before coming here.

Created by: Shiny Noel of gaggle
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who are the parents of Draco Malfoy
  2. Who is related to Narisa?
  3. Who is Dracos first cousin?
  4. What families do the Malfoys hate?
  5. What house has the Malfoys been in for centries?
  6. Whos Dracos favorate Perfessor
  7. Why does Draco hate Harry Potter
  8. Why do the Malfoys hate Surius Black?
  9. Which family do the Malfoys support?

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Quiz topic: Do I know the Malfoy family