Do You Know Science?

Many people understand basic science, but are you willing to go a bit further? Some questions in this quiz might stump you. Or you might fly through it, easy as pie.

Do you consider yourself a scientific genius? Do you understand more chemistry, physics, or astronomy than the average Joe? Take this quiz to find out where you stand!

Created by: samantha

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  1. Who invented the Hubble Space Telescope?
  2. Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon are which of the following?
  3. According to physics, which of the following does not actually exist?
  4. Which female scientist died as a result of her own work?
  5. Which of the following has made contact with the earth?
  6. The Milky Way is what type of formation?
  7. Who is said the be the "father of modern physics"?
  8. Which of the following is Newton's first law of motion?
  9. What is the lightest planet in our solar system?
  10. Where is the Cern Super Collider located?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Science?