Do You Know Me Well?

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Hi! This is a quiz to see how much you really know about me. If you haven't used forums yet, I don't think you'll get a good score. Fortunately, though, there's still a chance you can guess your way through.

If you have seen me on forums a lot, you may get a good score. For clarification, if you get Well/Familiar, the first part means you know me well & you are familiar with me. Alright, moving on.

Created by: Vxrified
  1. What is my most popular nickname on Forums?
  2. How old am I?
  3. Do I have perfect eyesight?
  4. Am I female or male or LGBTQ+?
  5. Do I have a boyfriend?
  6. What is my user on Reddit?
  7. What do I use 2020?
  8. Do I have Discord?
  9. What is my favorite Pokémon? (Pairs)
  10. On whose stream (Twitch) do I appear on as justnyx, justnotnyx_, justnotnyx, or NyxTheSimp?
  11. Lastly, which group of people did I meet first on forums?
  12. (That wasn't the last question - gotcha) Which is thy Vex's favorite animal?
  13. What type of mental issue do I most likely have?
  14. Do I like Among Us?
  15. What academic achievement did I achieve?
  16. What is my favourite colour?
  17. Which one of my quizzes was this commented on and by whom: lol great impostor (if you didn't know already, it was a quiz I made on my old account)
  18. Which is my favorite Pokémon game?
  19. What's my favorite social media platform/app?
  20. How active am I on the GTQ forums? (3 hours a day is kind of active, 5 hours is mostly active, 10 hours is way too active)
  21. Do I like music? And am I a songwriter and/or composer?
  22. Am I “smarter” than my peers?
  23. Who is my favorite music artist?
  24. What do I value most?
  25. If I had to pick only one, which would I rather get as a pet?
  26. What is my real name?
  27. What's my Discord username and tag?
  28. Do I have any other accounts that I don't use/forgot the password for?
  29. How many questions does this quiz have? (No effect)
  30. In which month is my birthday in?
  31. What is my favorite batch of legendary Pokémon?
  32. What is my YouTube channel called?
  33. True or False: The name of my Twitch account is justnotnyx_.
  34. True or False: This quiz is ONE of the longest quizzes on GTQ. (No effect.)
  35. Since I'm bored and I can't think of anything else to add, let's get to know me a little better. This won't affect your score: I have been to China at least five times in my life.
  36. I am an introvert.
  37. My extended family is huge, and the oldest living person in it as of Fri, Dec 11, 2020 is 88 years old.
  38. My real name is... (to be revealed in the next question)
  39. Nix.
  40. Actually, my real name isn't Nix but what you might find interesting is that it is homophonous to a boy's name.
  41. I favor Harry Potter over Percy Jackson, although I still find PJ interesting.
  42. I'm
  43. gonna
  44. stretch
  45. out
  46. Q
  47. UNTIL
  48. |T
  49. as
  50. 6
  51. T
  52. Q
  53. U
  54. E
  55. S
  56. T
  57. I
  58. O
  59. N
  60. S

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Me Well?

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