Do you know Demi Lovato

Hi, i'm Savannah you may or may not know me but I know Demi Lovato, do you know her as much as I do? GOOD LUCK!

Created by: savannah
  1. What color was Demi's hair in the "Let It Go" video?
  2. How many tatoos does she have?
  3. When is Demi's birthday?
  4. What is her natural hair color?
  5. What is her real name?
  6. What is her middle name?
  7. What song is in the album "Unbroken"?
  8. How many siblings does Demi have?
  9. How old will she be in 2018?
  10. who in 1D does she like?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Demi Lovato