Do you know Construction well?

A construction worker is a well happy hearted worker who is independent and honest and we'll trusted and smart and strong too so if you think all or that's you try to get 100% on my quiz then good luck and please rate

Take "Do you know Construction well?" And see if u r a true master My brother is a construction worker and does it for a living and he told me to do this but I'm a lazy payback video gamer well I'm not lazy or I wouldn't be doing this

Created by: abe
  1. True or False? You need a crane to build a house
  2. True or False? To build a sidewalk you don't need reebar
  3. When you build a house do you need holes in the walls?
  4. Should you work when it is really, really hot outside?
  5. All of a sudden 3 construction workers start breaking your house and its just you against them what do you do?
  6. Should you eat a lot before you work on a hot day?
  7. Should you go inside the house before its built after you have been working on it?
  8. Do you need to build a platform before you construct it?
  9. Is a barn the hardest thing to build?
  10. True or False? This is this spelled right Constroction

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Quiz topic: Do I know Construction well?