Do you know CatholicFX?

Welcome to the secret world of CatholicFX. Muahaha. What do you know about us? How much do you think you know? Can you handle the pressure? Man! It won't let me just do muahahah, to fill up the 150 word minimum.

Try your best, but don't try too hard, some things are better left unsaid. I don't know what else to say (muahaha) Noooo! It won't let me do repeating characters.

Created by: Tom
  1. CatholicFX was originally known as?
  2. Which CFX Worship band member only began playing his or her instrument upon joining the group?
  3. Which CFX member's car caught on fire once after a retreat, and has chronic auto problems?
  4. Which CFX member has a dance named after him or her?
  5. Which CFX member has a dance named after him or her?
  6. The article of clothing is typically missing from Bappy's evening attire.
  7. Who designed the "Experience CatholiCFX" Logo?
  8. This term of endearment is shared between the fiancees of CFX
  9. Which member of the CFX worship band will not be graduating in '08?
  10. Which CFX member is not from Pennsylvania
  11. Which member of CFX does not play percussion?
  12. Which CFX member appeared on the Al Albert's Showcase (A kids talent show) in middle school?
  13. This CFX member can regularly be heard calling "safety", a game which has become normal among the CFX gang.
  14. What is the name of Tom's car?
  15. What is the date of Natalie and Tom's wedding?
  16. This CFX member enjoys a table-top game called "WarHammer". (Basically its a Dungeon & Dragons type game that only nerds play)
  17. This CFX member traveled to India this spring?
  18. This CFX member traveled to Ireland this Spring Break?

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Quiz topic: Do I know CatholicFX?