Do you know Blaze the cat?

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I made this quiz because I thought it would be fun to make a quiz about Blaze the cat. I hope you like it. And thanks for taking this quiz. Hope you enjoy.

Blaze is a sonic character i like. So I made this quiz. I hope you like it. Enjoy the rest of the quiz. Do you like her, hate her, love her, crazy over here? Find out.

Created by: Gotoquiz
  1. What power does Blaze have.?
  2. Where is Blaze from??
  3. Can Blaze fly?
  4. Does Blaze have a jewel on her head?
  5. Does Blaze like water?
  6. Is Blaze fast???
  7. Is Blaze a princess?
  8. What color is Blaze??
  9. Was Blaze transported to a different dimension??
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Blaze the cat?