Do you know Ariana well?

hey! Im ariana but i go by the name Lily or Ria i hope your not taking this if you dont know me in real life cause thats weird and anyways enjoy mu quiz hehe

SO anyways if your someone from my school.. i hope your a girl and not a boy boys please im begging you leave or else you might see some suprisng things and you will hate me forever and i dont need that in my life thank you :)

Created by: Lily
  1. What is my favroite color?
  2. What is my style?
  3. Whats my favorite animal
  4. Whats my favorite book?
  5. whats my favorite class?
  6. Whats my dream job?
  7. Whats my dream age?
  8. Who is my favorite youtuber?
  9. whats my favorite social media app?
  10. whats my favorite game?
  11. whats my favorite roblox game?
  12. whats my favorite tv show?
  13. whats my favorite movie?
  14. Who is my crush from school?
  15. who is my future husband?
  16. who are my best friends
  17. who are just plain friends
  18. who is my friends form gymnastics (4 of them)
  19. Who do i hate (a boy) in my school?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Ariana well?
