Do you have the elder wand?

You: urgh I want an elder wand so bad! Me: well do you even stinking d e s e r v e one? Well, Ill ask you some questions so you can stinking find out!

Please read this carefully... Rules Plz dont comment, rate or share. I know I didnt put good questions here, dont tell me. AND, plz read this last, golden rule carefully... HAVE FUN!

Created by: Alpine
  1. On a scale of one to five, how much do you need power?
  2. Rock, paper, wizards- shoot!
  3. I chose wizard
  4. Lord Voldemort is in front of u. What do u do?
  5. Whats your wand on Pottermore? (If you dont have one, select skip.)
  6. What house r u in?
  7. Any thoughts on your wand?
  8. Death Eater or Order of the Phoenix member?
  9. Somebody left an elder wand right there! (Chuckles) And, its not mine!
  10. Byzers

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Quiz topic: Do I have the elder wand? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Wands Quiz category.
