Do you have the chickenpox?

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Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). It can cause an itchy, blister-like rash. The rash first appears on the chest, back, and face, and then spreads over the entire body, causing between 250 and 500 itchy blisters.

La varicela es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa causada por el virus varicela-zoster (VZV). Puede causar un sarpullido parecido a una ampolla que pica. La erupciĆ³n aparece primero en el pecho, la espalda y la cara, y luego se extiende por todo el cuerpo, causando de 250 a 500 ampollas que pican. (This is Spanish!)

Created by: Claire211
  1. Have you gotten the chickenpox vaccine?
  2. Have you gotten the chickenpox before?
  3. Do you feel more tired then usual?
  4. Have you had headaches?
  5. Have you had a stomachache that lasted for a day or more?
  6. Have you had a skin rash that is very itchy and looks like many small blisters?
  7. What about bumps filled with a liquid that looks like milky water?
  8. Have you had blotchy skin?
  9. Have you had an appetite loss?
  10. Do you feel generally unwell?
  11. Rate? Comment?

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Quiz topic: Do I have the chickenpox?
