Do you have inner-beauty?

If you wonder about being a good human being or having a good personality, this should be a good quiz for you. It's good to help others and you should know if you do enough of it.

Do YOU have inner-beauty? Do you help others on this earth? Are you selfish and greedy? Or selfless and pure? TAKE THIS QUIZ NOW TO FIND THE ANSWER!!!

Created by: Emily Joy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You buy some food at the grocery store. You see the cashier didn't charge you for something. You...
  2. You're walking outside and see a baby bird stuck on its back trying to get up. You...
  3. You're in your car and an old man is having trouble getting across the street. You...
  4. Your friend was just dumped by some a**hole/biotch and is crying. You...
  5. You're in line at McDonalds and the lady in front of you I taking forever. You...
  6. You're at the Zoo and some teenage boys are throwing food at the animals. You...
  7. You're neighbors are having a party and the noise is crazy loud. You...
  8. You're little sister/brother is in line for the water slide and someone cuts them. You...
  9. Your friend is upset because she thinks she is ugly. You...
  10. You're at a party and 2 idiots get in to a fight. You...

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Quiz topic: Do I have inner-beauty?