Do you hate and not Appreciate?

ALot of people hate on haters without realizing that they are hating at the moment.are you one of thosse people.take my quiz in order to find out the answer.

leave a comment not to mean though and be sure to check out my other quizzes. o n this site rate and reply or something. please do something reate commment anything.

Created by: music monster J
  1. if someone gives you something you really wanted you would say?
  2. if someone is hating on Justin Biber bad what would you say?
  3. When someone saves you a seat in the movie theatre you????
  4. how creative are you??
  5. favorite haters qoute
  6. When told to get the groceries from out of the car you...
  7. Are you honest
  8. when you see someone fangirling you...
  9. When you here someone scream YOLO , you...
  10. when you see a little girl younger than you yourself whereing shorter shorts then you thought little childrean could wear you...

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Quiz topic: Do I hate and not Appreciate?