Do you belong on ODD SQUAD?

Have you seen or heard of the show ODD SQUAD? The agents work very hard to solve odd problems and fix anything strange or peculiar. Ever wondered if you could be an agent?

This quiz will tell you if you are worthy of being an ODD SQUAD agent. Do you belong on ODD SQUAD? Ready to take the quiz? Hurry! ODD SQUAD needs YOU!

Created by: Me
  1. If you were an animal what would you be?
  2. What is your favorite of these ODD SQUAD episodes?
  3. Who is your favorite of these ODD SQUAD characters?
  4. Pick a quote:
  5. Pick a color
  6. Do you believe in unicorns?
  7. What is your favorite gadget?
  8. Would you rather work for Ms. O or Mr. O?
  9. Pick a bevrage
  10. Who is your favorite ODD SQUAD villain?

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Quiz topic: Do I belong on ODD SQUAD?