Do you belong in the order of the Twisted Spoon?

The Order of the Twisted Spoon is a most ancient and secretive order. It was founded circa 2009 A.D. in the basement of a residential home by two bored teenagers. In order to gain the prestigious title of Spoonian, you must be random, spazzy, and a fan of Green Day, Nirvana, and Monty Python. But, most of all, you must know the TRUTH! (What, you wnat me to TELL you the TRUTH? What would be so great about it if I just TOLD you?!)

You can skip this part if you want. WEREWOLVES ARE AWESOME. Cookies! TOMATO PASTE AND TUBAS AND MAGICAL ICE CREAM ARE YOUR FRIENDS! Blah blah blah blah. Hey, you read all of that? Congradulations! Now get a life.

Created by: ozzieandamy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is the most pwnful species?
  2. Duz oo play pretteh moozic?
  3. This is a most ancient and secretive order. It is such an ancient and secretive order that we made it up in the basement right before making this quiz. Are you sure you can handle this kind of a commitment?
  4. Pick your favorite.
  5. What is your name?
  6. What is your quest?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Do you like Green Day?
  10. What is the proper scientific name of the common computer nerd?
  11. Last question.

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Quiz topic: Do I belong in the order of the Twisted Spoon?