do u know me

Many people are good at figuring others out! many people are good at reading people! Maybe you are why don't you find out and see how good you are! Are you up for the challege let's see what you got!

Ok let's just put that to the test take the quiz to see if u do know how to read me! Go on take the quiz give it your best shot let's see what u got maybe u have a talent:):):)

Created by: sleek79
  1. Ok 1st 1 is easy am I a guy or chic
  2. How old do u think I am
  3. What's my 2 fav colors
  4. What music u think I like
  5. What movies do I like
  6. Pick a number
  7. Do I fish
  8. Ok last 1 am I single
  9. B4 u go did u like quiz
  10. Wait 1 more will u rate this quiz

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