do nou have OCD

Hello, it's me, Carlie. How are you guys doing? You may be wondering if you may have OCD, or maybe you are just bored and looking for a quiz to do that looks easy and interesting. Well either way, you have come to the right place. Enjoy my quiz and have a good day!

Take it from someone who knows :at it's like... welcome, answer honestly, and don't panic. Please remember that this quiz does not replace an actual diagnosis from your doctor or therapist, DO NOT USE THIS IN PLACE OF A TRUE DIAGNOSIS!! have fun and good luck!

Created by: carlie
  1. Ok so say you tap your left foot, what happens?
  2. most of the time you are:
  3. Do you feel like everything needs to be in perfect symetry all the time?
  4. there are four chocolates on the table
  5. Do you have a morning routine?
  6. whats rong with the senins
  7. Are you afraid of germs?
  8. your friend packs your bag
  9. pick one:
  10. pick one:
  11. pick one:

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