Do I Need Braces Quiz?

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This quiz is to see if you need braces or any other orthodontic work done. I am not a professional orthodontist so not everything will be 100% accurate. I tried my best hopefully you enjoy.

Please try your best to answer all questions as honestly as possible so you can get the best and most accurate results for you. If you don't like your result please tell me why by commenting below.

Created by: Louis
  1. How old are you?
  2. Do your teeth jet forward?
  3. When you smile are your bottom teeth in front of your top teeth?
  4. Are your teeth crowded or do your teeth turn in or out?
  5. Do you have gaps in your teeth?
  6. Has your dentist ever recommended you go to an orthodontist?
  7. Does your orthodontist say you have bite issues?
  8. Do you think you need braces or headgear?
  9. Do you have braces or headgear right now?
  10. Have you ever had braces or headgear?
  11. What do people say about your teeth?
  12. Do you like your smile?
  13. Does your jaw ever pop or hurt?
  14. Do you even experience pain when chewing or biting?
  15. Do you want headgear?

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