dinosaurs: you are a pup dino, which is your brother?

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Welcome to the first quiz! What's it? It is a story of a dinosaur (skorpiovenator) and a brother/sister. Today there he need to discover ther brother/sister.

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Created by: Swampthewolf
  1. you are with other dino pups and your brother. A allosaurus called you and your brother to take you for a challenge with your brother. You will challenge:
  2. If you said yes for challenge, you win! What is your reaction?
  3. Ok, lets introduce you, you are a skorpiovenator dino named dragon. Your dino are starting her journey, you are still a pup. Quiz series
  4. A little velociraptor pup come to invite to play with you! You:
  5. A rugops invited you for party at her home. Accept?
  6. Ok if you accepted u was in the party, night is coming, you are very bored, you look around and see things to have fun.
  7. Its under midnight, your mom calls you to sleep.
  8. You wake up. Your mom said to you & your brother eat their breakfast. You eat:
  9. You go to school. The school principal entered the room, saing that today is fantasy day in school!
  10. The today's lesson will need unite the chairs in groups. At your side, you select:
  11. Narchy ask your name
  12. Want be narchy's new friend?
  13. Where you want to pass your day?
  14. Select a dinosaur specie
  15. Just more 5 questions!
  16. Limo want raid with you. If you accept, where you want go?
  17. Battle trainment time: you should battle a:
  18. Battle trainment time: attacks:
  19. Do you like the quiz? (Dont effect results)
  20. Bye!!

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Quiz topic: Dinosaurs: you are a pup dino, which is my brother?
