what world's strongest dino you are?

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Welcome! If you should be one of strongest dinosaurs, which one you will be? The king tyrannoraurus rex? The finned spinosaurus? The courageous giganotosaurus? Or the enormous argentinosaurus? pick this quiz!

Please comment it! I hope you enjoy my quiz! For dinosaur fans! + battle and 1 trivia challenge! 17 questions! Have fun and enjoy! Thanks by pick it! You can give me suggestions if you want!

Created by: Tidedragon
  1. a tyrannoraurus is coming to destroy you! What is your action!
  2. Have you battled someone irl?
  3. If you chose yes, you won or not?
  4. Do ya know roar?
  5. You prefer attack with
  6. What you think you will pick?
  7. If you awnser the right, you win 4+ argentinosaurus result. False or true: carnotaurus had arms smaller than trex's
  8. Are ya able to swim?
  9. One elasmosaurus is attacking you!
  10. Oh no! A volcanic dragon is coming to destroy you agan
  11. Are you the king?
  12. Favorite color
  13. What should be the skin of your dinosaur?
  14. If you would adopt a pet, it would be a
  15. Could you survive a
  16. What is your favorite httyd dragon?
  17. Do ya like the quiz? (Dont effect result)

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