Detective Quiz 5 (The Hardboiled Detective)

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This is another tough detective quiz I have come up with and I have plenty your brain is always your best weapon but, a little fisty cuffs comes in handy too.

Do you have what it takes to crack this case even though it may be as tough as a walnut? Take this quiz and find out if you can a real tough cookie when it comes to solving crime.

Created by: al

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  1. A man approaches you and asks if you are a private dick you say:
  2. The man says he needs your help you respond by:
  3. The man says he hasn't seen his wife for five days you automatically assume that.
  4. You ask him why he waited so long to tell anyone about his missing wife and why he didn't go to the police. He responds by handing you a note written with newspaper letter clippings that read.
  5. You fold up the note and place it in your pocket and ask for the mans name he introduces himself as William Olson he gives you a description of Betty Olson his wife and his suspicions of who may have taken her. William says he has no money so you:
  6. There are five suspects Frank Bosnan, a man who hates the client, Gerald Quinn, a man who is obsessed with the clients wife, Victor Rosseti a man whom the client owes a lot of money to, Carl Matthews a childhood sweetheart of the victims wife who is obsessed with her and Tom Kellog a man who has a grudge against the clients wife who do you check out first?
  7. You start to go into a bar in which the person of interest frequents everyone stares in your direction. You approach the bar tender and asks has he seen so and so. The bartender says: "Ask for a drink or shove off!" you respond by:
  8. You learn that so and so is not there so you decide to find out where they live and wait outside their residence till they come home. You find the suspect and question them their alibi is that they were at the bar the day miss Olson disappeared. The bartender confirms this suspects alibi so you:
  9. You go to the next suspects place of residence and you remember they were obsessed with the victims wife. You ask him where was he the day miss Olson disappeared. He replies he was with his girlfriend so you:
  10. You go to the next suspects business residence this suspect you remember hates your client. So you ask him where was he the day Miss Olson disappeared. He responds by snubbing you so you respond by:
  11. The suspect claims he never knew miss Olson and had nothing against her he just didn't like your client because of the clients personal flaws so you decide that:
  12. So you decide to check out miss Olson's childhood sweetheart you ask him where was he when miss Olson disappeared and he can not remember what he did that day so you think:
  13. You ask him again his eyes are turned to the left and you know he is:
  14. He says that he was sick that day and stayed at home there is no one available to validate his alibi so you assume:
  15. You interview the last suspect the one who had a grudge against your clients wife he is evasive but has a valid alibi so you think that:
  16. You question him further and he tells you about some money laundering scheme your client was involved in and it went sour. That's when you figure out who took Miss Olson and why and smack yourself in the head for being taken as sucker by the suspect. You break into the suspects place of residence and find miss Olson bound and gagged and the police arrest the culprit who you found out was:
  17. Your client comes to thank you as his wife is returned to him and you smack him on the jaw and what falls out of his pocket?
  18. You decide to:

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