Demigod or wizard?

Hehe, take meh quiz. it funny! dunno whata say. must be long. like, 10000000000 words long. meh quiz stupid but work fine. eat my demigod/wizard/magician butt.

#jk/rick Your satyr should arrive any day now to take you to camp Half-Blood. Chiron and Mr. D will help you from there.Wizard! Go have fun at Hogwarts, you belong their! You will master spells and have fun with the golden trio!

Created by: hehe
  1. Are you strange?
  2. Are you different
  3. Do you notice anything weird?
  4. Demigod or wizard?
  5. Let fate decide!
  6. Do you know a different language?
  7. Have you ever been stalked?
  8. How u like meh quiz
  9. do u have pets?

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