Cyberbullying in the digital age

Now that you have learned about cyberbullying and being safe in the digital world its time to test your knowledge and take the cyber buylliny online quiz

The quiz has ten questions about the website and videos that you have watched and will help you get an understanding of what areas you need to work on or revise.

Created by: Daniel
  1. What is cyberbullying?
  2. Which of the following can keep you safe online?
  3. If someone is cyberbullying you what should you do first?
  4. Being a good digital student means?
  5. How can cyberbullying make someone feel?
  6. Who should you tell if you are being cyberbullied?
  7. Why is it important to save a message from a cyberbully?
  8. What can you do to stop someone cyberbullying you?
  9. What other support networks can you reach out too?
  10. How to stay safe online

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