What have your learnt about cyberbullying?

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This Quiz is to test your knowledge of cyberbullying. If you have went through this website and read through the information provided the Quiz will be and easy pass for you!

If you get stuck just simply look back at the information provided in the website to help with your answers. If you or anyone you know need help please contact the kids helpline 1800 55 1800

Created by: Najwa Koueider
  1. What is Cyberbullying?
  2. Keeping quiet as a Bystander means i am contributing to the bullying?
  3. A bystander that supports bullying will,
  4. How can i help the victim as a bystander?
  5. A bully is usually
  6. If i am being bullied i need to,
  7. If i need to speak to someone i know i can call,
  8. Steps to taking action when being bullied,
  9. Cyberbullying can happen
  10. At school i know i can

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Quiz topic: What have my learnt about cyberbullying?
