Cuttzz Shoes for Women

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You may want to keep your results private and confidential - after all, The Cuttzz woman cannot actually be categorized, grouped, or analyzed. For centuries, people have tried to understand HER, but still do not. This assessment represents the best thinking of possibly the best minds worldwide in that attempt and pursuit. Still, we acknowledge this assessment is lacking. Extensive future investigation will be necessary. Are you edgy, high aptitude for affluence, or with off-the-chart sexy quotient?

If there are three and only three - then they are EDGY, SEXY, AFFLUENT. Women around the globe defy any actual and real categorization - still, it's fun to try. Here, the best thinking available has distilled the possibilities into a few questions and answers. Which of these three (almost) descriptions fits you the best?

Created by: John Honeycutt of xbig6
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Of the following expressions, the one most descriptive of what I see in the mirror is:
  2. I think of myself as:
  3. People I don't know think I'm:
  4. I dream about being:
  5. Of these, this choice describes me best:
  6. I'm unsure of the meaning, but am most drawn to this word:
  7. Admittedly, I:
  8. In a movie, I'd be:
  9. This DOES NOT describe me:
  10. The keyboard character best representing me is:
  11. A tv guilty pleasure:
  12. A word I NEVER USE:
  13. The best word cluster is:

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