Could You Join The Debate Soapers Squad?

Debate Soaper Squad-DSS Could you join it? Will we accept you? Take this quiz to find out. We soap,we debate,we are the Debate Soaper Squad!!!!! :D :D

I am the leader of the Debate Soaper Squad. The co-leader is Ana-Banana. So...could you join the DSS...if there are any jobs left when you're done with this quiz. xD We are soapers who debate!

Created by: MusikRox
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Will you keep peace with all DSS(Debate Soapers Squad)members?
  2. Will you respect the leader?
  3. If you don't get the job you want,will you be fine with it?
  4. Choose a job you want.
  5. If you got kicked out of the DSS because you broke the rules,how would you react?
  6. Say you were the Idea Person. And you thought of an idea but nobody liked it. Your reaction?
  7. If I didn't let you in the DSS. You...
  8. Hi...
  9. I ran out of questions
  10. Bye

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